52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 24

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 24 – When I was a kid, I distinctly remember the chocolate on the 24th of the Advent Calendar was about 4 times the size as the others.  This made you long for Christmas even more.  The only problem was my brother and I would share advent calendars, so whoever got the odd days lost out big time.  Probably why we only got the one with the large chocolate on the 24th once…  Anyways, I thought I’d go out with a bang on this one.  For the last day of my Craftvent Calendar, I made my daughter a simple dutch style doll house out of cardboard for her “little babies“.  She was pretty blown away when she came home to find her house.  Sadly we’re moving in a month and there definitely won’t be room for the house in our bags, I’m sure I’ll make her another one whenever we finally settle down somewhere…

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 23

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 23 – Ever heard of the French nursery rhyme called “Ah les Crocodiles“?  Me neither, but they sing it at my daughter’s daycare.  When they get to the chorus, all 15 kids start bouncing around the room like a toddler mosh pit.  Some day I’ll have to get a video of it. Anyways, crocodiles are popular around here, so I made a quick one out of the last of the card stock we had.

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 22

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 22 – Saw some paper lanterns on the interweeb and couldn’t resist.  They are super simple to make but look great (and I had a ton of scraps left over from the Princess Hat).  Hung them up in the window with some string to add even more decor to our small apartment.

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 21

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 21 – The other day we watched “Finding Nemo”.  I didn’t think it was all that great a movie, but my daughter seemed to think it was awesome (she’s more of a traditional Disney lover, so seeing as this was on the other end of the spectrum from Snow White – and had no princesses – I was shocked).  Anyways, thought I’d make her a couple of fish, the little one is Nemo of course, the big one, the whale.

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 20

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 20 – I started out making one craft but it morphed into another as the day went on…  Today I made a princess hat for my daughter.  The cone is made out of some thin card stock that I covered in pieces of cut up paper.  I didn’t measure her head so well so it was a tad small and didn’t stay on as well as I would have liked.  But she then started using it as a horn so I cut the tip off so it would work better.  We had a fun, but very noisy afternoon!

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 19

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 19 – Today we made some shaky Maracas.  Took some toilet paper rolls, filled them with some dry pasta, and covered them in masking tape.  Then we coloured them with crayons.  Pretty quick simple craft but hours of entertainment running around the apartment shaking them.

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 18

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 18 – Can’t decide if this is a cool picture or just a bad idea, let’s go with cool.  Today we made a bird and a pegasus.  Do pegasus have a unicorn? No probably not, but my 2 year old doesn’t know the difference.  She did some colouring on both and then we hung them from the kitchen light.

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 17

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.


Day 17 – 7 days to go, whew….  I made this garland to put up at her daycare in order to decorate for the Christmas party.  The trees were pretty quick as if you fold the paper right, you can cut 4 out at a time.  Santa on the other hand was a bit more tricky, especially since I made this at the daycare and had 15-two year olds run around me trying to “help”.  I made about 5 metres worth of this and we hung it up along the ceiling.  Kids liked it and I got lots of compliments from the daycare workers, but they are used to seeing what 2 year olds produce, so I guess it’s not saying much.  Haven’t a clue what I’m making tomorrow, better start thinking…


My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 16

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.

Day 16 – At daycare, my daughter has her “little babies”.  They are three little dolls that she likes to carry around all day long.  It’s pretty tragic each day when it comes time for her to say goodbye to them.  So today after we got home I decided to make her two of her own little babies.  I suggested one be a boy, the other a girl, she freaked out and said “NO, I want babies”, so apparently they are hermaphrodites…  She also wasn’t too pleased that the craft took more than 10 seconds for me to create two babies for her, but in the end she did have fun playing with them.

My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts

52 Create – Craftvent Calendar, Day 15

52 Create, my weekly creative output for 2011.  Continuing along with my “Craftvent” calendar for my 2 year old daughter.  Simply put, it’s an advent calendar filled with crafts, all home made, many will be joint projects so she gets some fun of making stuff as well.


Day 15 – Every once in a while someone gives my daughter a little candy in a wrapper.  She doesn’t seem to understand there is a candy inside, but loves carrying it around.  She loves it so much that she often asks for “little treats” which means we have to take some tin foil and paper and make a fake candy for her to put in her pocket.  The two I made today for her are more like Christmas Crackers, but I’m sure she’ll enjoy them just the same.  They won’t fit in any pockets though…


My other Craftvent Calendar Crafts