52 Create – Binoculars

52 Create – my weekly creative output for 2011. As mentioned in my last post, we’ve had some changes around here, and not only are my tools all packed up, but money is tight for materials, so projects might not be as grand as say the push bike, but they will still be creative!  While I get back into the swing of things I will keep the first few projects simple.

My daughter is a big fan of binoculars. At the park there is a fake pair mounted on top of the climbing frame and she loves to look at everyone through them.  So this morning over breakfast, I grabbed a couple of old toilet paper rolls I had been saving for just such a project, added a bit of masking tape, a string and some crayon decorations, and presto!  While very simple, these kept her entertained for most of the morning and had her quite distraught when I told her she couldn’t take them out to the library with her…

My other 52 Create Projects.